"Maragogi: is that all they say?
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"Maragogi: is that all they say?

Updated: May 2

Maceió is a municipality in the state of Alagoas and is known for its beautiful beaches, delicious cuisine and its warm people.

But tell me something, have you ever heard that Maragogi is the Brazilian Bahamas? There are those who dare to agree, but, from my experiences, I say that Maragogi and Bahamas have nothing to do with each other!

I believe that a narrative (pure marketing) was created to bring tourists to the region, as Alagoas truly has divine beaches! The location's advertising is very well prepared and carried out, however Maceió and its surroundings, including Maragogi, do not have enough infrastructure to receive tourists.

My fiancé and I spent New Year's Eve at a very well-known resort, the Pratagy Resort in Maceió, and we managed to go on several nice trips.

During our stay there (it was 7 days) I compared the place a lot with Jericoacoara, as Jeri is a VILLAGE and I was surprised that its structure and tours were much better than Maceió.

Well, for me Maragogi was pure disappointment... You pay a lot for a boat trip, to get to a diving place that you can't swim alone (one man holds your back and another is left with bread under the water to bring the fish to you - that's right... you pay 300 reais for a guy to hold you behind your back and leave you with just your face in the water...), after the ""dive"" you go to an aquarium in the middle of the sea ​​(it was the best part of the tour) and then go to the Caminho de Moisés, which, by the way, has places that have much more beautiful paths.

For the entire trip, including food, tours and accommodation, my score was 7/10. And I think I'm being really nice in giving this rating.

When you go to Maceió or Maragogi, tell me what you think!

Tours to do:

  • São Miguel dos Milagres (the best place to have fun and enjoy the beach);

  • Barra de São Miguel

  • Gunga Beach (the buggy ride isn't worth it! But there's a flying boat ride there - yes, a boat that flies -, paragliding and other activities...)

  • Tour in Ipióca

  • Emperor of shrimps restaurant (the best shrimp gum! - typical dish of the region)

Below I will show you the best part of the trip: my marriage proposal! But if you want to know about this story check out my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marjoryemajella/

Bonus: This shoot was done at Pratagy Resort and it was so worth it! The landscape is beautiful, the photographer is super friendly and professional and the editing staff takes great care with every detail of the photo."


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Marcio and Marjorye hugging on the beach


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